Funny About Money Blog Victoria Hay

we are: she's on the money

We are here because we believe that sorting your money stuff doesn't need to be a drag. We want to see you take control of your life (and your bank account). We believe that there is a difference between financial advice and financial literacy and we want the world to know.

We also like to shamelessly use our platform for sharing funny memes.
That's also a big part of it.


Hey! I'm Victoria, founder and host of She's on the Money.

She's on the Money exists because I want to see you take the reins on your life so you can steer towards those exciting goals ahead. We all know addressing the money side of your life plans can often be overwhelming and uninspiring, however it's one of the most important things you will do for your future. The earlier you get on top of your finances, the bigger the impact it has long term. Today is the day to take charge.

I believe there is a massive difference between financial advice, and financial literacy. Financial literacy is a combination of financial knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions, based on personal circumstances, to improve your overall wellbeing – and understanding all this should be FREE.

Whether you're trying to pay down debt, want to start investing, save for your first home or buy that third investment property, She's on the Money's got your back with the tools and resources you need to make your dreams a reality.


our promise

She's on the Money shares resources with you (like budgets, goal setting activities and regular learning workshops for you to put what you're learning into action!). All information you'll find on She's on the Money has been put together by a team of qualified Financial Advisers and Accountants, which means you can start your journey feeling confident knowing the right people have your back. This is a safe space to connect with like-minded women and create a positive relationship with money that will last a lifetime.

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meet victoria
& georgia

Victoria and Georgia are serious about helping women become masters of their money. Combining Victoria's financial advise expertise and Georgia's crafty research and copy writing skills, they make a killer team. Victoria and Georgia are young, clever and here to make waves.

These two are passionate about empowering women to take control of their finances and make smart money decisions for their future. By working with She's on the Money, you're not only learning from some of the best, you're also making two new friends.

Think Serena and Blair, Summer and Marissa, Pandora and Dolly; if you don't yet know Victoria and Georgia, you really should.

what do you need most help with?

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fun, fun facts!

(that are not actually that fun, because, well, finance)


Women aged 25 – 40 are the fastest growing wealth demographic (Harnessing the Power of the Purse: Female Investors and Global Opportunities for Growth, Centre for Talent Innovation, 2014.)


Money is the NUMBER ONE cause of stress for Australian Women – Australian wellbeing survey, APS 2014.


$12 billion every year is lost in productivity due to moderate wellbeing – What pay equality means for women, Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency.


Female participation in the workforce is at an all time high – 65% - Workplace Gender Equality Agency: Gender Pay Statistics, Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014


The women you work with are part of a global economic force that's bigger than China and India combined - 4. The Female Economy, Harvard Business Review, 2009.


If things don't change, many women will end up living in poverty in retirement - 6. What Pay Equity Means for Women, Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency


Women in Australia are 2 ½ times more likely to live in poverty in retirement than men - What Pay Equity Means for Women, Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency


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